Foundation cracks are an unavoidable reality. If you own a home, you will have to deal with foundational cracking at one point or another. The key is to handle these cracks in the proper manner.
To handle foundation cracks properly, you’ll first need to garner some knowledge about them. That’s where this article comes in.
Below, we’re not only going to discuss the common causes of foundation cracks, but the most common indications that foundation crack repair in Barrington is needed.
What Causes Foundation Cracks?
Foundation cracks come about due to a number of different factors. The most common of these factors will be reviewed below.
Soil Shifting
The fact of the matter is that soil shifts. There’s very little one can do to stop the shifting of soil. For this reason, foundation cracking is something of an inevitability.
As the soil shifts, it applies pressure to the exteriors of foundations, forcing them inward. While this pressure obviously won’t result in an instant crack, over time, it will cause cracks to form.
Improper Installation
In some cases, cracks will form in foundations due to improper installation. A failure to properly set concrete or level soil will compromise the structural integrity of a foundation, leaving it especially vulnerable to cracking.
Cracks caused by improper installation can be severe and can even crop up suddenly. Keep an eye out for any crack longer than 4 inches and any wider than a quarter of an inch.
One of the most insidious causes of foundation cracks is moisture. Over time, as groundwater applies pressure to the exteriors of foundations, it causes those foundations to wear away. Eventually, after years of stress and deterioration, these foundations will buckle, resulting in the formation of cracks.
Signs That You Need Foundation Crack Repair
The truth is, not all foundation cracks need to be repaired—at least not the second they appear. Some cracks are more severe than others and carry far greater ramifications in the long run. These are the cracks that require immediate attention.
The question you might have is: how can you tell when foundation crack repair is required? There are a number of different signs to look out for, all of which will be discussed below.
Large Cracks
If a crack is particularly noticeable, it almost certainly requires repair. Generally, this includes any crack that is more than 4 inches in length or more than ¼ of an inch in width.
Tilted Floors
Do the floors in your home tilt from one side to the other? If so, your home is likely experiencing severe foundational deterioration and, at the very least, requires foundation crack repair.
Note, however, that if the tilt is extreme, you might have to have your entire foundation replaced. In any case, you’re advised to bring in a basement waterproofing specialist for an inspection.
Cracked Caulking
Another sign that your foundation might need repair is if the caulk around your bathtub is cracked. Cracked caulk is indicative of foundational shifting, which is, in turn, indicative of foundation cracks.
Sagging Walls
Are you walls beginning to sag down? If so, you could be experiencing severe foundational shifting—the kind that often requires far more than a few crack repairs. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s recommended that you have your foundation inspected by a professional basement waterproofing company.
In Need of Basement Waterproofing Company in Barrington?
Are there cracks in your foundation? In need of foundation crack repair in Barrington? If so, the basement waterproofing specialists with ULB-DRY Waterproofing are the people to see.
Our team of waterproofers have fixed thousands of foundation cracks throughout Barrington and its surrounding areas. Regardless of the size or nature of your foundation cracks, our team can handle them.
Contact us now to get started!
I have a large crack that is now leaking. Just bought the house in Oct and this is the first time anything has happened because there is a wall covering the crack and we didn’t know it was there.