Sump pump installer in Schaumburg Illinois

There are many ways to keep water out of your basement, and each option can be effective in its own way. However, of all the options that are available today, the most effective option is to install a sump pump.

Are you interested in learning about what a sump pump does, and how it can help keep your basement dry? If so, you’ve come to the right place. This sump pump installer in Schaumburg, Illinois is going to discuss some of the key things you should know below.

What Does the Sump Pump Do?

A sump pump is a small pump that counteracts groundwater outside of a home. The sump pump is installed in the home’s basement, and it sits inside of a hole known as a sump pit. The sump pit’s role is to provide the sump pump with access to groundwater. If the groundwater levels grow too high, the sump pump can start and begin pumping water away from the home.

The primary purpose of the sump pump is to reduce hydrostatic pressure against the home’s foundation. This is pressure brought on by gravity and water. The less hydrostatic pressure there is against the home’s foundation, the less it’s at risk of cracking. The less it cracks, the less water the basement will take on.

The sump pump is the single most important part of any basement waterproofing system. This is because it’s the only waterproofing entity that actively works against accumulating groundwater. If you would like to have one installed in your basement, do not hesitate to get in touch with your local sump pump installer in Schaumburg, Illinois.

Types of Sump Pumps

There are two types of sump pumps: submersible sump pumps and pedestal sump pumps. We are going to discuss each option below.

Submersible Sump Pump

The submersible sump pump is generally regarded as the better of the two options. This is because it’s equipped to pump out not only water, but sediment as well. The pedestal sump pump struggles greatly with pumping out sediment.

In addition, the submersible sump pump is much more durable than the pedestal sump pump. Yes, it costs more initially. However, overall, it has the potential to provide much value in the long run.

How does the submersible sump pump work? It sits down within the sump pit, floating atop the water contained within it. This enables it to push out water more quickly, and therefore allows for optimal functionality.

Pedestal Sump Pump

The pedestal sump pump is typically considered to be less effective than the submersible sump pump. However, that doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s still more than capable of pumping out accumulating water, and with great reliability as well.

That said, pedestal sump pumps typically don’t last as long as submersible sump pumps. In addition, if they’re subjected to great deals of sediment, and they could break down prematurely.

In truth, you should only go with a pedestal sump pump for two reasons: 1. You don’t have the budget for a submersible pump, and 2. Your sump pit isn’t large enough to handle a full submersible pump. Otherwise, it’s always best to go with a submersible pump.

Need help deciding? If so, a reputable sump pump installer in Schaumburg, Illinois will be happy to assist you. Just give them a call and they’ll come out to assess the situation.

Looking for a Sump Pump Installer in Schaumburg, Illinois?

Are you interested in installing a sump pump? If so, and if you’re looking to have one installed by the best sump pump installer in Schaumburg, Illinois, look no further than ULB-DRY Waterproofing.

We have installed basement waterproofing entities in countless properties throughout the Schaumburg area. Regardless of your waterproofing needs, we can provide an effective solution. Contact us today to discuss your options.