A home’s foundation is integral to its overall structure and stability. The weaker the foundation becomes, the weaker the home becomes.
Unfortunately, foundations can form cracks over time, causing them to lose some of their strength. Fortunately, these cracks can be fixed through foundation crack repair services.
Are you interested in learning more about foundation crack repair? This Glencoe basement waterproofing company is going to explain everything you need to know.
How Are Foundation Cracks Fixed?
Foundation cracks can be fixed with the use of a concrete sealant. Before the repair begins, the vast majority of the crack will be covered up. The concrete sealant will then be injected into one end of the crack, and it will travel all the way down to other end of the crack. This ensures that the entire crack is filled, and that there are no hollow spaces present.
Foundation cracks can be fixed on both the interior and exterior of a foundation. Note, however, that interior repair is more common. This is because interior cracks are more visible and easier to access.
What Causes Foundation Cracks?
Foundation cracks can be caused by a variety of factors. The most common factors include the following:
Water Pressure
The most common cause of foundation cracks is water pressure. When water pools around a foundation, it creates pressure on the foundation, which leads to cracks.
This is known as hydrostatic pressure, and it’s the reason that basement waterproofing is needed in the first place. The better job you can do of resisting hydrostatic pressure against your foundation, the fewer cracks it will incur.
Soil Shifting
Another factor that contributes to foundation cracking is soil shifting. Over time, it is natural for the soil around a home to shift. In some cases, this causes pressure to mount against the outside of a home’s foundation. As you might expect, cracks can eventually form.
Improper Installation
In some cases, a foundation will crack due to the fact that it was installed improperly. Whether it’s because it was mixed poorly, or it was too dry when applied, the cement may not form as intended. This is why, when building a home, it’s important to make sure you choose a reputable builder.
Ways to Counteract Foundational Cracking
There are a few different ways you can counteract foundational cracking, and water-based foundational cracking, in particular. They include the following:
Grading Your Yard
If your home is at the bottom of a hill, water will slide down that hill and pool against your foundation. This will, in turn, lead to cracks. Fortunately, there’s a solution: you can grade your yard, moving portions of soil so that the hill no longer exists. This will reduce pooling, which will also reduce foundational cracking.
Installing a Waterproofing Membrane
Another way to counteract foundational cracking is to install a waterproofing membrane. This is an adhesive waterproof cover that prevents groundwater from seeping into a basement, thus preventing the formation of cracks.
Installing a Sump Pump
Sump pumps work by gauging water levels around a home, then pumping water away once the levels reach a certain point. In essence, it reduces hydrostatic pressure around a house, ensuring that foundation cracks don’t form. By installing a sump pump, you’ll not only reduce foundation cracks, but the risk of flooding as well.
Looking for a Basement Waterproofing Company in Glencoe, Illinois?
Is your foundation cracked? Looking to utilize the services of a Glencoe basement waterproofing company? If so, we here at ULB-DRY Waterproofing have you covered.
We are well-versed in the foundation crack repair process, and we can have your foundation looking and operating like new in no time. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!