If you look at your basement floor and walls, there’s a chance that you’re going to come across some foundation cracks. These cracks might be small, they might be big, or they might be something in between — but regardless, they will eventually need to be repaired.
Why should they be repaired? Great question, and it’s one that this Arlington Heights basement waterproofing company can answer in detail. Without further ado, we’re going to explain the importance of having your home’s foundation cracks repaired.
Why Repair Foundation Cracks?
There are a number of reasons to repair your foundation cracks. The biggest of these reasons include the following:
To Maintain the Strength of Your Property
Not only do foundation cracks expose your home to water, but they also reduce its strength. The more cracks a foundation incurs, the weaker it will become. Over time, a foundation can become so weak that it caves in on itself. As such, if you want to maintain the structural integrity of your home, you should have your foundation cracks repaired.
To Prevent Flooding
When a crack forms in your foundation, it can create a passageway for water to pass through. In extreme cases, if these cracks become large, they can cause your basement to flood. For this reason, it’s important that you patch up your foundation cracks as they appear. The sooner you patch them, the less risk they’ll expose you to.
To Stop Mold Growth
Where water goes, mold soon follows. This is why it’s common to see mold in basements. Water often flows into basements through foundation cracks, which creates a welcome spot for mold spores.
Want to prevent this from happening? You’ll want to make sure you patch up any cracks in your foundation.
To Avoid Musty Smells
Not only does water cause a basement to become moldy, but it also causes it to take on a musty aroma. Therefore, if you don’t want your basement to smell like a locker room, you should repair any cracks in the foundation. Fixing foundation cracks will prevent groundwater from flowing in, helping you avoid musty smells.
Preventing Foundation Cracks from Forming
There are a number of different causes of foundation cracks — from shifting soil, to an improperly laid foundation, to errant tree roots, and much more. However, water exposure is, by far, the most common cause of foundation cracks.
Fortunately, there are ways to reduce water exposure with your foundation, thus reducing the risk of foundation cracks. Some of the best methods include:
Installing a Sump Pump
Sump pumps reduce the water levels around homes by pumping out excess water as it arrives. In doing so, they reduce hydrostatic pressure around foundations. The less hydrostatic pressure a foundation experiences, the less chance it has of cracking. As such, if you want to keep foundational cracking to a minimum, you should install a sump pump.
Installing Drain Tiles
Drain tiles collect groundwater and filter it away from the base of a foundation. Like sump pumps, they reduce hydrostatic pressure as well. If you want to keep foundation cracking to a minimum, you should consider using drain tiles in tandem with your sump pump.
Installing Downspout Extensions
Downspouts typically empty about a foot away from their respective homes’ foundations. This can result in substantial hydrostatic pressure. Fortunately, you can extend downspouts with the use of downspout extenders. These will reduce hydrostatic pressure, and subsequently, the risk of foundational cracking.
Need the Help of an Arlington Heights Basement Waterproofing Company?
Are you looking to repair any cracks in your foundation? Need the help of an Arlington Heights basement waterproofing company? If so, ULB-Dry Waterproofing is the company to call.
Our experts have repaired countless foundation cracks throughout the Arlington Heights area. We can have your foundation back to normal in no time.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment!