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Basement Waterproofing Company in Glenview, Illinois

If you own a home that has a basement, you’ll want to do everything you can to prevent it from flooding. If your basement floods, you could find your home subject to thousands of dollars’ worth of damage. This is the last thing you want to happen.

That begs the question, though: what are some of the most common sources of basement flooding? If you’re looking for the answer, you’ve come to the right place. This basement waterproofing company in Glenview, Illinois is going to discuss everything you’ll need to know below.

A Damaged Foundation

Perhaps the most common cause of basement flooding is a damaged foundation. The foundation is the cement structure that supports the home. foundations are not indestructible — over time, they will start to take on cracks. Every time a new crack forms, it creates a new avenue for groundwater to flow through.

As groundwater accumulates around a foundation, it pushes through these cracks, flowing into the basement on the other side. If there are enough cracks present, the basement could become fully flooded.

This is why it’s imperative to fix foundation cracks as they arise. The sooner you close off these cracks, the less likely it is that your basement will flood. If you need help fixing the cracks in your foundation, do not hesitate to get in touch with your local basement waterproofing company in Glenview, Illinois.

A Dysfunctional Sump Pump

Do you have a basement waterproofing system in place? If so, you likely have a sump pump. This sump pump would be located inside of a sump pit (a hole filled with groundwater). As long as the sump pump stays functional, this groundwater should stay out of your basement.

What if your sump pump becomes dysfunctional, however? In that case, that groundwater could very easily rise into your basement, resulting in extreme flooding.

For this reason, it’s important to have your sump pump inspected regularly to make sure it’s functional. It’s also strongly recommended that you install a backup sump pump. This way, if your primary sump pump is deactivated by a power outage, your backup sump pump will take its place, keeping your basement dry.

Improperly Installed Gutters/Downspouts

Gutters and downspouts work to filter rainwater from the home’s roof to the ground below. Ideally, they’ll do this in a way that prevents water from pooling up against the home’s foundation. Unfortunately, downspouts and gutters are sometimes installed incorrectly, thus resulting in pooling near the home when it rains.

When water pools around a home’s foundation, it places tremendous pressure up against it, resulting in cracking over time. As more cracks form, more water will start to seep into the basement on the other side.

Fortunately, your basement waterproofing company in Glenview, Illinois can help you counteract this problem. First, they’ll make sure your gutters and downspouts are installed in a proper manner. Second, they may recommend adding downspout extensions.

A Bad Plumbing System

The final cause we’re going to discuss is a bad plumbing system. Should your plumbing system become damaged in some way, it could leak, resulting in the flooding of your basement. This typically presents itself in the way of a burst pipe.

How do you avoid this problem? By having your plumbing system inspected regularly and by practicing proper protocol. If you couple this with proper basement waterproofing practices, you shouldn’t have to worry about a wet basement anytime soon.

Looking for a Basement Waterproofing Company in Glenview, Illinois?

Are you ready to take the first step toward keeping your basement dry? If so, and if you’re looking for a basement waterproofing company in Glenview, Illinois that offers a full range of services to keep your home dry, ULB-DRY Waterproofing is the company to call.

Whether you need sump pumps, drain tiles, downspout extensions, or some other basement waterproofing entity, we are here to help. Contact us today to get started.