When installed correctly, home foundations are very strong. However, that doesn’t mean that they’re indestructible. After enough time has passed, they will eventually start to deteriorate, which generally presents itself in the form of cracks.
Fortunately, many basement waterproofing companies offer foundation crack repair services to help protect the structural integrity of your home. Are you interested in learning about the specifics of these services? This foundation crack repair company in Mount Prospect, Illinois is going to discuss some of the key things you should know below.
What Causes Foundation Cracks?
First, let’s talk about the causes of foundation cracks. The most common of these causes include the following:
Shifting Soil
As time passes, soil shifts. This is a natural geological phenomenon that can’t be prevented. Unfortunately, when the soil shifts, it often takes other things with it — such as a home’s foundation, for instance. This typically results in foundational cracking.
While you can’t prevent this from happening entirely, you can reduce its instances and severity. If you are in the process of building a new home, you’ll want to make sure that your soil is properly prepared prior to breaking ground. If it’s not properly compacted, it will shift more than it would otherwise.
Hydrostatic Pressure
The most common cause of foundation cracks is hydrostatic pressure. This is pressure caused by water and gravity. Gravity pushes water in a downward trajectory, causing it to apply pressure against solid surfaces.
In the case of foundational cracking, groundwater is pushed down against the side of a foundation. The more water that accumulates in the ground, the more vulnerable a foundation becomes. Therefore, if you want to reduce foundational cracking over time, your foundation crack repair company in Mount Prospect, Illinois will recommend taking measures to remove groundwater from around your home’s foundation.
Tree Roots
Tree roots can cause foundational cracking as well. If a root grows up against the outside of a foundation, it will push against it over time. This pressure will eventually result in cracking, which will grow worse as time passes.
To prevent this, you’ll want to be sure that you don’t plant any trees near your home. You’ll also want to check for existing tree roots to ensure that your foundation isn’t in any danger.
The Foundation Crack Repair Process
Foundation crack repair is a relatively straightforward process. In essence, a sealant is injected into the crack. To ensure that the sealant is packed tightly, a cover is placed over the crack prior to injection. Then, after the sealant dries, the cover is removed.
Foundation cracks should be repaired on both the interior and exterior of the foundation. When a crack is repaired by a foundation crack repair company in Mount Prospect, Illinois, its sealant lasts for roughly five to seven years. Because it is not a permanent solution, it will eventually need to be repaired again.
The Importance of Repairing Foundation Cracks
You might be wondering: what happens if you don’t repair foundation cracks? The worst-case scenario is that the foundation grows weak and eventually caves in on itself.
However, there are other potential issues as well. When there are cracks present in the foundation, groundwater will seep into the basement on the other side. This could result in anything from flooding to mold growth to musty smells and more, all of which will negatively affect the functionality of your basement.
With that said, foundation crack repair isn’t an option — it’s a requirement. Failure to repair these cracks will result in substantial damage over time.
Looking for a Foundation Crack Repair Company in Mount Prospect, Illinois?
Do you currently have cracks in your foundation? If so, and if you’re ready to have them fixed by the best foundation crack repair company in Mount Prospect, Illinois, ULB-DRY Waterproofing is the company to call.
Our crew has repaired all sorts of foundation cracks throughout the Mount Prospect area. Regardless of the extent of your cracks, we can provide an effective solution. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.