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Basement waterproofing company in Buffalo Grove Illinois

Basement waterproofing services should be looked at as an investment in your home or business. They not only protect your property from flooding, but they also offer several other benefits as well.

Now, you might be wondering: what exactly does waterproofing a basement entail? You might be surprised to learn that there’s quite a bit that goes into basement waterproofing, and there are several options that are available today. Without further ado, this basement waterproofing company in Buffalo Grove, Illinois is going to review them below.

Install a Sump Pump

One of the most important components of basement waterproofing is installing a sump pump. A sump pump’s job is to actively pump water away from the foundation of the home. In doing so, the pump limits foundational damage and greatly reduces the risk of flooding.

To install a sump pump, you’ll need to have a sump pit dug in the corner of your basement. This pit allows the pump to access water.

If there’s any one thing you should do to waterproof your basement, it’s this. A sump pump is the only waterproofing entity that actively works against groundwater, and it will give your basement the best chance of staying dry over time.

Depending on your property, your basement waterproofing company in Buffalo Grove, Illinois might recommend implementing other waterproofing methods in addition to a sump pump. We are going to review those methods below:

Repair Foundation Cracks

Another important aspect of basement waterproofing is the repair of foundation cracks. All foundations crack at some point. As time passes, more cracks will form.

Fortunately, you can patch these cracks up, thereby preventing the inward flow of groundwater. Patching cracks also helps with the stability of the foundation, allowing it to last longer than it would otherwise.

This is one of those things that you can’t avoid. If you put off foundation crack repair for too long, your foundation will reach a premature demise and will allow your basement to take on groundwater on a regular basis.

Set Up Drain Tiles

Another thing you should consider doing is setting up drain tiles. Drain tiles are pipes that are buried underground. They have openings in their ends, allowing them to catch and redirect groundwater.

Putting drain tiles around a home’s foundation helps prevent the accumulation of groundwater around said foundation. By limiting the accumulation of groundwater, these drain tiles reduce foundational cracking and help keep the home’s basement dry.

If you’re interested in installing drain tiles in your yard, a professional basement waterproofing company in Buffalo Grove, Illinois can help. They have the knowledge, tools, and resources needed to do the job correctly.

Grade Your Yard

In the most extreme of cases, it becomes necessary to grade the yard. This is the process of moving soil to change the yard’s hills and contours. It’s particularly necessary in situations where a house sits at the bottom of a hill.

In these situations, water tends to slide down through the soil, coming to rest up against the home’s foundation. This results in excess foundational deterioration — not to mention excess water infiltration. Therefore, to combat the problem, soil must be shifted to eliminate the hill.

This is often an intensive process that requires the use of heavy machinery. Therefore, it’s best carried out by a professional. If you would like to partner with the experts, do not hesitate to contact your local basement waterproofing company in Buffalo Grove, Illinois.

Looking for a Professional Basement Waterproofing Company in Buffalo Grove, Illinois?

Are you ready to partner with a professional basement waterproofing company in Buffalo Grove, Illinois? If so, you’ve come to the right place — ULB-DRY Waterproofing is the company to call.

Our experts have waterproofed countless basements throughout the Buffalo Grove area. Regardless of the basement waterproofing solution you would like to implement, we can get it done right.

Contact us today to discuss your options.