As time passes, your foundation will take on more and more cracks. This is unavoidable. However, there is something you can do about it: you can utilize the services of a basement waterproofing company.
Repairing cracks in your foundation is an absolute necessity, as it will keep your foundation strong, keep your basement dry, and ensure that your home remains an inhabitable place. Are you interested in learning more? This foundation crack repair company in Golf, Illinois is going to review the basics below.
Benefits of Foundation Crack Repair
There are several benefits that come with foundation crack repair services. Some of the main benefits include the following:
A Stronger Foundation
Every time a crack forms in your foundation, it gets weaker. As such, it stands to reason that, by fixing foundation cracks, you end up with a stronger foundation. If you never fix foundation cracks, on the other hand, your foundation will eventually crumble, causing your basement to cave in on itself.
Less Water in the Basement
Foundation cracks aren’t just signs of foundational deterioration. They’re also avenues through which groundwater can travel. The more cracks you have in your foundation, and the wider those cracks are, the more water your basement will take on.
In a sense, when you hire a foundation crack repair company in Golf, you are essentially preventing water from seeping into your basement. This results in less flooding and less property damage.
Lower Risk of Mold Growth
Mold generally flocks to wet areas. As such, basements are extremely prone to taking on mold.
This is where a foundation crack repair company in Golf, Illinois can help. By repairing the cracks in your foundation, you can limit the amount of water that’s allowed to come into your basement, thus reducing the risk of mold growth as well.
No Musty Smells
Not only does water attract mold but musty smells as well. This is due to the increased accumulation of dust and mold spores. By keeping mold and dust accumulation to a minimum, you can stave off musty smells as well.
What Causes Foundation Cracks?
Foundation cracks can be caused by a variety of factors. We’re going to discuss the most common factors below.
Water Exposure
As any foundation crack repair company in Golf, Illinois can tell you, the single biggest cause of foundation cracks is water exposure. The more water that weighs against a foundation, the more cracks it will incur. This is known as hydrostatic pressure.
Therefore, if you want to limit the number of cracks in your foundation, you need to do everything possible to keep groundwater away from the base of your foundation.
The Shifting of Soil
Soil tends to shift over time. When this occurs, it places pressure against objects that are buried under the ground. This, of course, includes foundations.
Occasionally, this will result in a crack. This crack will start out small and then grow larger over time.
Contact With Tree Roots
Tree roots can do quite a bit of damage to a foundation as well. Once they meet the foundation, they apply pressure against it. This results in cracking that grows worse and worse over time.
In some situations, tree roots can cause a foundation to crumble apart. With that said, if you detect tree roots by your foundation, you’ll want to have them removed.
Looking for the Best Foundation Crack Repair Company in Golf, Illinois?
Do you need to repair the cracks in your home’s foundation? If so, and if you’re looking to partner with the best foundation crack repair company in Golf, Illinois, ULB-DRY Waterproofing is here to help. Regardless of the size of the cracks in your foundation, we can get it fixed.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment.