Pipe Penetration & Intrusion
Pipe Penetration & Intrusion
When you are installing piping, keeping things nice and dry is key. You need a company with extensive knowledge and experience on how to deal with pipe penetration and intrusion issues. Our specially-trained team members have the expertise to address any and all issues that stem from pipe penetration. ULB-DRY Waterproofing is dedicated to assisting each and every customer with anything they need to keep their home or business in optimal shape. For more information about our pipe penetration or pipe intrusion services, give our office a call. We are happy to provide you with pricing and scheduling information.

Pipe Penetration Leaks
Leaks can occur from wall piping installation below the grade that have penetrated the foundation. A larger hole is drilled in the foundation and then the smaller line is fed through. A cement cap is placed on both the interior and exterior faces of the foundation. Over time cement breaks down and the water flows in around the piping. If not addressed quickly, it can cause significant damage that can get quite expensive to repair.
The Solution
We remove the interior patch to expose the void. A series of small plastic ports are placed around the pipe and held in place with a non-shrink waterproof mortar. After the surface patch has dried, an epoxy/urethane resin is injected to fill the void. These can also be addressed from the exterior. The inspector who is present will advise you to the best possible approach.
For more information about our pipe penetration or pipe intrusion services, contact ULB-DRY Waterproofing. Call 708-978-7558 to schedule your service today!