There are all sorts of methods that go into basement waterproofing. These vary from drain tile installation to yard grading to waterproofing membrane installation and more. Of them all, however, the installation of a sump pump is the most impactful.
Are you wondering why a sump pump is so critical to keeping your basement dry? If so, you’ve come to the right place. This basement waterproofing company in Long Grove, Illinois is going to explain below.
What Does a Sump Pump Do?
A sump pump’s function is to pump groundwater away from the base of a home’s foundation. In doing this, it keeps that groundwater from accumulating against the foundation. The less groundwater that accumulates, the less hydrostatic pressure the foundation is subject to, and the less it cracks over time. Less cracking results in reduced inward water seepage, and helps to keep the home’s basement dry.
Sump pumps operate within a hole known as a sump pit. This is dug in the corner of the home’s basement and acts as an access point for groundwater. When groundwater levels grow too high, the sump pump can detect such and kick into action, pushing that water out further into the home’s corresponding yard.
The sump pump is the only component that actively pushes groundwater away from a home. This is vital during heavy rains, as the sump pump alone can prevent flooding. If there’s any basement waterproofing component you’re going to utilize, it should be the sump pump.
Ready to have your sump pump installed by the experts? A professional basement waterproofing company in Long Grove, Illinois can help.
The Benefits of a Sump Pump
There are several benefits to installing a sump pump. We’ll discuss the most prominent of these benefits below.
Prevent Flooding
Perhaps the biggest benefit of a sump pump is that it will prevent flooding. During heavy storms, your sump pump will turn on and actively push fast-accumulating groundwater away from your home’s foundation. This will keep that groundwater from seeping into your house and ruining your basement’s possessions.
Reduce Mold Growth
Mold grows where water exists. Therefore, the drier you can keep your basement, the less mold growth it will experience. The sump pump is a major component in keeping a basement dry, and so greatly helps to reduce mold growth.
Reduce Musty Smells
Perpetually wet areas tend to take on musty smells. This is why, if you want to eliminate musty smells, you must keep said areas dry. In the case of the basement, you can do so with the help of a sump pump.
Keep Foundation Cracking to a Minimum
The more groundwater that accumulates against a home’s foundation, the more pressure it exerts. The more pressure it exerts, the more cracking the foundation takes on. With each new crack, the foundation loses a bit of its strength. Because of this, you need to do what you can to keep foundation cracking to a minimum.
The solution? Install a sump pump. The sump pump will push groundwater away from your home’s foundation, lessening the pressure it’s subject to, and reducing foundation cracking overall.
Interested in installing a sump pump? A reputable basement waterproofing company in Long Grove, Illinois can assess your property and help you pick out the ideal sump pump for your needs.
Looking for a Basement Waterproofing Company in Long Grove, Illinois?
Are you interested in installing a sump pump? Searching for a professional basement waterproofing company in Long Grove, Illinois that can handle the job? If so, ULB-DRY Waterproofing has you covered. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.