If you want to keep water out of your basement, you’ll need to keep water away from your foundation. There are numerous methods that help in doing this. However, one that doesn’t get talked about much is installing downspout extensions.
Now, you might be asking: what exactly are downspout extensions? This basement waterproofing company in Highland Park, Illinois is going to discuss some of the key things you should know about them below.
What Are Downspout Extensions?
Downspout extensions are attachments put on the ends of downspouts as a means of giving them greater length. In giving these downspouts greater length, these attachments ensure that roof water doesn’t empty directly next to the home’s foundation. This reduces hydrostatic pressure against said foundation, and thus keeps foundational cracking to a minimum as well.
Downspout extensions can be installed both on top of the soil and underground. That said, when they’re installed on top of the soil, they’re vulnerable to being disconnected. In fact, if they’re not properly secured, even a strong storm could cause them to disconnect.
When they’re installed underground, however, they’re essentially locked in place. Because of this, there’s very little chance of them ever becoming disconnected over time. Not to mention, underground downspout extensions can be fed into a drain tile system, allowing them to direct roof water to a specific location far out into the yard.
If you want to keep your foundation as healthy as possible and your basement as dry as possible, you should install downspout extensions. While you can still waterproof a basement without them, your waterproofing system would be less-than-perfect. Only with downspout extensions can you achieve optimal waterproofing prowess.
For information on installing downspout extensions, you can always reach out to your basement waterproofing company in Highland Park, Illinois. They will tell you everything you need to know, and they can even get an appointment set up for you if you wish.
The Benefits of Downspout Extensions
There are several benefits to be had with downspout extensions. The most prominent of these benefits include the following:
Reduced Foundational Cracking
When roof water rolls down a downspout, it typically comes to rest in the area directly next to the home’s foundation. Unfortunately, this is the last spot where you want this water to collect. Why? Because, when water is perpetually applying pressure to a home’s foundation, it’s bound to create cracks in that foundation.
The solution? Get the water to empty further away from the foundation. How do you do this? By installing downspout extensions.
Reduced Water Pooling
Not only do downspout extensions reduce foundational cracking but water pooling as well. As downspouts empty so close to the home’s foundation, they leave little room for it to spread. This causes the water to accumulate, thus resulting in the formation of pools.
By pushing the water further out into the yard, downspout extensions enable that water to spread out over a larger area. This effectively eliminates pooling.
A Drier Basement
The last benefit is quite simply a drier basement. By reducing foundational cracking, downspout extensions reduce the number of pathways through which roof water can flow into a basement. Therefore, by installing downspout extensions, you are essentially helping to keep your basement dry.
Downspout extensions alone won’t keep your basement fully dry. However, they’ll help supplement sump pumps, drain tiles, and the like — all of which can be installed by a basement waterproofing company in Highland Park, Illinois.
Searching for a Basement Waterproofing Company in Highland Park, Illinois?
Looking to enhance your home’s basement waterproofing system? Interested in having downspout extensions installed by the best basement waterproofing company in Highland Park, Illinois? If so, ULB-Dry Waterproofing has you covered. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.