One of the more frustrating problems faced by Long Grove homeowners is the problem of foundation cracks. These cracks form over time as the foundation is exposed to a variety of different stressors. Once cracks form, they serve as avenues through which groundwater can flow, making basements vulnerable to taking on moisture.
In essence, foundation cracks need to be repaired soon after they appear. Are you wondering what can happen if you neglect them? This foundation crack repair company in Long Grove, Illinois is going to review some of the consequences below.
The Consequences of Failing to Repair Foundation Cracks
There are a few things that can happen if you consistently fail to repair foundation cracks. The most prominent of these things include the following:
Increased Risk of Basement Flooding
Each new foundation crack is a new passageway through which groundwater can flow. Where is that groundwater flowing? To the basement on the other side of the foundation. What this means is that, if you fail to repair foundation cracks over time, there will be a progressively increased risk of flooding in your basement.
Yes, you can counteract this with sump pumps and drain tile systems. However, only by repairing foundation cracks can you keep your basement entirely dry.
A Weaker Foundation
With each crack that forms in your home’s foundation, the foundation grows weaker. At first, this doesn’t pose much of a problem, as the loss in strength is only minimal. Over time, however, the loss grows exponentially, and quickly poses serious problems for the health of your home.
In some cases, the foundation grows so weak that it starts to cave in on itself. When this occurs, it costs thousands upon thousands of dollars to repair the problem.
This is why it’s wise to repair foundation cracks as they form. Doing so maintains the strength of your foundation, and helps save you money in the long run. If you need help repairing your foundation cracks, you can always contact your local foundation crack repair company in Long Grove, Illinois.
Increased Basement Mold Growth
There’s also the problem of increased mold growth. Mold grows where water goes. If there’s water pouring into your basement through foundation cracks, there will eventually be mold growing in your basement as well. Seal off those cracks, and you’ll help keep mold at bay.
Foundation Crack Repair Is Central to Basement Waterproofing
Waterproofing a basement is the only way to truly make it habitable. If you want your basement to be finished with carpet, drywall, and the like, you need to waterproof it.
Foundation crack repair is central to basement waterproofing. It’s where basement waterproofing starts. By sealing off cracks in your home’s foundation, you make it impossible for groundwater to flow into your basement.
You can then reinforce the seals by adding sump pumps, drain tiles, downspout extensions, waterproofing membranes, and more. These entities, along with foundation crack repair, serve to keep your basement almost entirely dry.
Even so, you’ll need to perform foundation crack repair over time. New cracks are always forming, and they will need to be dealt with. With that said, it’s wise to schedule annual inspections with a foundation crack repair company in Long Grove, Illinois. The professionals will be able to seal off cracks in their entirety, ensuring a strong foundation and a dry basement.
Looking for a Foundation Crack Repair Company in Long Grove, Illinois?
Are you ready to have your foundation cracks repaired? If so, and if you’re looking for the best foundation crack repair company in Long Grove, Illinois, look no further than our team at ULB-DRY Waterproofing. Contact us today to schedule a service.