Because they exist underground, basements are ultra-susceptible to taking on water. This is why, if you want to make your basement a habitable place, you’ll need to make sure it’s properly waterproofed.
The question you might have now, is: how should you go about waterproofing your basement? The good news is that there are all sorts of different basement waterproofing entities that can help keep your basement dry. To help you decide on the right options for your home, this basement waterproofing company in Lincolnshire, Illinois is going to discuss them below.
Sump Pump Installation
Of all the waterproofing services in existence, none is more vital than sump pump installation. The sump pump is the beating heart of the basement waterproofing system. It actively pumps water out away from the base of a foundation, pushing it further out into the yard.
In doing this, it reduces hydrostatic pressure against the home’s foundation, thereby reducing instances of cracking. The fewer cracks the foundation has, the less water will come into the basement.
Sump pumps are also important when it comes to resisting flooding. During heavy storms, your sump pump will ensure that your basement remains dry. If there’s one basement waterproofing entity you’re going to install, it should be the sump pump. It alone will go a long way in keeping your basement dry.
Foundation Crack Repair
Regardless of what you do to reduce hydrostatic pressure against your home’s foundation, it’s still going to incur cracks from time to time. The important thing is that you fix the cracks early in their existence. If you don’t, water will make its way into your basement, resulting in mold growth, musty smells, and possible destruction.
Fortunately, any reputable basement waterproofing company in Lincolnshire, Illinois will be able to repair your foundation cracks. They will close the crack entirely, thereby protecting your basement from all manner of water-related damage.
Drain Tile Installation
Another service you can get from a basement waterproofing company is drain tile installation. Drain tiles are a essentially a system of pipes that are installed underground. They catch groundwater and then redirect it away from the home’s foundation. In doing this, they reduce hydrostatic pressure against the home’s foundation. This prevents cracking and lessens the risk of basement water exposure.
Drain tiles are almost as important as sump pumps themselves. If you want your basement waterproofing system to be optimally effective, a drain tile system is strongly recommended. Your local basement waterproofing company can help you with the installation.
Yard Grading
The last service we’re going to discuss is yard grading. This is the process of moving soil to level out a yard. In essence, it makes the yard flatter, thereby more equally distributing the flow of groundwater.
For basement waterproofing purposes, this is commonly needed in cases where the house is located at the bottom of a hill. The hill causes excess water to collect against the home’s foundation. Therefore, yard grading is used to flatten out the hill and reduce the amount of water that collects against the home’s foundation.
Most properties don’t require yard grading for basement waterproofing purposes. This is fortunate, as yard grading is an intensive process. That said, some properties will undoubtedly benefit from yard grading.
Wondering whether your home requires yard grading? You can always reach out to a professional basement waterproofing company in Lincolnshire, Illinois. They’ll assess your property and do what’s necessary to reduce water seepage into your basement.
Looking for a Basement Waterproofing Company in Lincolnshire, Illinois?
Are you interested in waterproofing your home? If so, and if you’re ready to partner with the best basement waterproofing company in Lincolnshire, Illinois, look no further than the professionals at ULB-DRY Waterproofing.
We have waterproofed countless basements throughout the Lincolnshire area. Regardless of your basement waterproofing needs, we’re the team to call. Contact us today to get started.