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Redfin is a real estate site created to “redefine real estate in the consumer’s favor”. To that end, the site doesn’t just help people buy and sell homes but also creates content in a blog, pulling from expert advice to help homeowners make the most of their investment. Recently, in an article about flooding prevention and restoration, ULB-DRY Waterproofing was one of the experts Redfin’s blogger turned to, for information on how to waterproof a basement and prevent flooding.

So what was the advice we, the experts at Reliable, gave? It was pretty much the same advice we’d give our own customers. We said, “There is no cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach to waterproofing and flood prevention. The more information and history you can give a professional waterproofing contractor, the better they should be able to design a complete system for your unique home. Everything – gutters, yard drainage, drain tile systems, sump pumps, catch basins, etc. – should be considered. Do not buy into gimmicks and quick fixes; all waterproofing and flood prevention is a VERY important long-term investment in your home.”

The best time to waterproof your home is before you encounter any problems with flooding. Basements so often show signs of moisture issues that homeowners might not even give them a second thought. However, if your basement smells musty, if there are signs of mold, visible watermarks, or a white, chalky substance on the wall, those are all signs that your basement needs waterproofing. If there are foundation wall cracks or hairline floor cracks, they’re only going to get bigger, allow water infiltration, and compromise the foundation.

As we told Redfin, there’s no cookie-cutter solution. Your basement may be finished, making it impractical to waterproof it from the inside. In that case, an exterior drain system may be your best option. On the other hand, if you’re in the process of building or renovating your basement, your best bet may be an interior drain system and a basement waterproofing membrane. Other issues that can be part of your moisture issue include water wells with inadequate drains, improper draining around your house, or sump pump failure. The only way to find out how to solve or prevent problems is to have your basement inspected.

As the real estate experts at Redfin understand, keeping your house safe from flooding requires the help of experienced professionals. When you’re ready to waterproof your basement, ULB-DRY Waterproofing can help. A family-owned and operated company, we’ve served the greater Chicagoland area for more than ten years. We offer a full spectrum of basement services, charging reasonable rates for work that includes crack repairs, sump pump systems, basement waterproofing, basement windows, and floor repair. Our consistently high standards have made us an award-winning Chicago basement waterproofing contractor and earned us thousands of satisfied customers all over Chicago. For more information, call (708) 978-7558 or visit our website for a free quote.