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If you think about how a basement is first built, when the plans are drawn up, the following happens; the contractors dig a hole in the ground. Then, the foundation is laid out. Then, the walls of the basement are built by typically pouring concrete. Finally, the rest of the house is built on the foundation. The most important step is the first step on the list above – the foundation, that great big hole in the ground. When the walls of the basement are built, there is always a gap left outside the walls, which needs to be filled. Typically, this void will get filled with loose backfill. Herein lies the problem, water will look for the path of least resistance, and since you have only a huge pile of loose backfill, it will still be able to run down to the bottom, no matter how well it has been compacted.

Since the water now has nowhere else to go, it will continue to seep into this area. Basic basement waterproofing provides some form of drainage pipe for the water to drain away, but the problem with this method is that often these pipes can often get clogged with silt. When these pipes get filled with silt the system can overload and cause a lot of water pressure against the outside walls of the basement. So while the walls of the basement may be waterproofed in some way, water, as you probably already know, can find a way to get through the tiniest of gaps. This type of problem does not usually go away because the pipes that are supposed to take away the excess water gradually worsen over time.

The lack of access to these pipes is a huge oversight. Basement waterproofing can also be applied to the external walls of the basement to try and keep the water out. A drain tile basement waterproofing system works by getting rid of the water pressure on the walls. Water is controlled, collected, and allowed to flow through hidden drainage channels either to natural drainage or to a sump pump where the water is pumped away from the property. Drain tile basement waterproofing systems are said to be a better system because they are installed internally, have easy access ports for removing any silt, and can be applied to basements where traditional tanking or other methods have failed but with minimal disturbance to the original basement.

The Benefits of Basement Waterproofing:
  • Basement waterproofing your home WILL improve the value.
  • The basement waterproofing job will usually be a permanent solution.
  • Basement waterproofing will not typically disturb decks, driveways, patios, landscaping, driveways, etc.
  • Drain tile basement waterproofing will often be substantially cheaper than other basement waterproofing methods.

Choose a professional and experienced basement waterproofing contractor when protecting your home. Remember, it is economically foolish not to waterproof, because the increased value from waterproofing will definitely exceed the cost of the basement waterproofing project itself. Look at basement waterproofing not as an expense but as an investment in the value of your home. Contact the professionals at ULB-DRY Waterproofing (708) 978-7558 for a free estimate on waterproofing your basement.