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New Year’s Resolution

Happy New Year from all of us at ULB-DRY Waterproofing! It’s that time of year again: time for a New Year’s Resolution. Make a resolution that not only protects your home but one that you can keep this year.

This year is the year to really take care of your home. With the crazy weather that Chicago has had over the last year and a half it’s time to put some extra TLC into your home. Check your foundation for cracks, clean out those gutters, replace those sump pumps, and waterproof your basement.

Over the years of your home’s life, water will begin to attempt to enter your home. Water follows the path of least resistance so if there is a way for water to enter your foundation, it will, and there is always a way.

Mold and mildew growth from water. This promotes an unhealthy environment in your basement and eventually in your entire house. That same water can cause damage to your belongings and your home’s foundation. Did you know that a failing foundation can even cause your roof to sag?

Use 2015 wisely. Keep a New Year’s Resolution to take care of your home so that it can properly take care of you.

Call ULB-DRY Waterproofing to schedule your free estimate today (708) 978-7558.